Call for papers del panel "Gender equality, democracy and (de-)democratization"

15 maggio 2023

Segnaliamo la Call for papers del panel "Gender equality, democracy and (de-)democratization" per il prossimo Convegno SISP che si terrà dal 14 al 16 settembre presso l'Università di Genova. La scadenza per l'invio degli abstracts è il 31 maggio.

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Panel 12.4 Gender equality, democracy and (de-)democratization
While already central in the theoretical reflection of political theorists (Pateman 1988; Young 1990; Phillips 1995; Mansbridge 1998), during the past two decades, the nexus between gender political equality and democracy has progressively gained empirical scholars’ attention. Causality between these two factors has been analyzed in both directions. On the one hand, several studies have found that achieving higher levels of gender equality has positive effects on the probability that a country experiences a democratic transition (Wang et al. 2017), on the quality of democratic governance (Cowper-Coles 2020) – e.g. more responsiveness and less corruption – and on democratic policy-making. For instance, larger numbers of women taking part in policy-making processes result in increased varieties of ideas, expertise, and preferences, leading to higher levels of redistribution (Cowper-Coles 2020), better healthcare (Mechkova and Carlitz 2021), and economic growth (Dahlum et al 2020). Women’s political participation is also positively associated with civil peace. On the other hand, the consequences of democracy and democratization on the achievement of gender equality – e.g. on the adoption of gender quotas (Zettemberg et al. 2022) – have been examined, even though empirical evidence highlights a weaker relationship. For instance, scholars found no contradiction between authoritarianism and gender equality: while democratization has increased gender equality in countries previously ruled by conservative dictatorships (e.g. Franco’s Spain), the opposite holds true in several post-socialist states (e.g. in Eastern Europe) (Beer 2009). Even contemporary autocracies may find it useful to promote gender equality in national assemblies as a way to elicit international legitimation and to co-opt women as a social group (Donno and Kreft 2018). However, recent trends towards autocratization have shown progressive limitations of women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights. Broadly the question that arises, thus, is: what, if any, is the nexus between gender equality and democracy? The panel, organized in collaboration with the Standing group on “Political regimes”, aims at addressing this question by gathering scholars interested in the study of gender, democracy, democratization and autocratization both from a theoretical and an empirical perspective. It welcomes both philosophical accounts as well as comparative or single cases studies, working from quantitative or qualitative perspectives. We invite papers addressing - but not limited to - the following questions: 1- What is the role of women’s movements on democratization processes? 2- Does women’s political participation increase the quality of democracy – e.g. in terms of transparency, corruption, responsiveness? 3- What is the nexus between autocratization and the limitation of women and LGBTQIA+ people’s rights? 4- How can we measure gender political equality across different regime types? 5- Are gender and minority quotas compatible with the democratic ideal of equality? Should they be promoted in politics?

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